
Useful links for MS CRM

Happy New Year everyone! It's hard to believe it's 2005. When I was a kid I thought that everyone would be wearing silver jumpsuits and driving flying cars by 2005. But it seems like I'm the only one wearing a silver jumpsuit around here.

Anyway, I thought for the New Year I would post a few of my favorite links to CRM resources to help folks find the information they need. (Some of these may require that you have access to MBS Partnersource or Microsoft Partner sites.)

Some great webcasts on customizing CRM from MSDN:

Extending and Integrating with MBS CRM Part I

Part II

Part III

A free tutorial for end-users of the Sales module of Microsoft CRM:


CRM on TechNet

Tips and Tricks on the Microsoft Partner site

CRM Product Roadmap (partners only)

And last, but not least, an under-publicized website on microsoft.com:

CRM for the Small Business Community

I hope these links are useful. You could spend hours clicking through them and reading. And please let me know if you have any interesting links to share regarding CRM.

Hope 2005 is a great year for you and for your Microsoft CRM business!


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